guest posting intro

If you’re invested in making your website a success, then you need to make guest posting a priority. Posting on other blogs as a guest allows you to create a web of external links to lead new readers back to your website. It’s a win-win situation – the other blogs get interesting content, and you get a new reader base to add traffic to your own blog.

A Social Network

writing blog post on laptopBlogging, by nature, is all about influence. Guest posting is a great way to build relationships with other bloggers and foster connections that might make the difference between a side project and a full-time blogging career later.

Beyond creating connections with new bloggers, you’re also exposing yourself to a new audience when you write a guest post. You’re essentially standing up in front of the host blog’s readers and saying, “Hey! I’m really cool! Come check out my blog!”

While guest posting is a great way to attract new readers, it’s even bigger in the world of Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

Boosting Your Ranking

One thing that you should insist on when you write a guest post for another blog is including a link to your own website. You can embed this link into the text of the article, or you can have it included in your author bio, but it must be there.

Being mentioned on websites that are reputable and already have great SEO rankings can influence how search engines rank your blog, so generating a catalog of backlinks is a fantastic practice for boosting your SEO rankings over time.

How To Guest Post

So we’ve told you why guest blogging is great for your SEO ranking and networking with other bloggers. But how can you do it?

  • The first step is to find a blog that will host your content. You can try websites that list blogs that are open for guest posting, but be sure to vet the blogs properly before publishing content on them. After all, you want blogs that are well-ranked and of high quality. You can also search lists of the top blogs in your industry and approach them to see if they are open for guest posting.
  • Once you’ve found a blog to write for, you need to work on incorporating links to your own blog into the post. Most of the time, links are inserted into posts by hyperlinking them to anchor texts – basically, you attach your link to words in your article that indicate what it is.
  • You need to be really careful with your anchor text, because Google evaluates them to assess a post or page’s relevance. Don’t spam too many links and make sure that your SEO keywords are included in the anchor texts.

Still not sure how to make guest posting work for you? Investing in an SEO service is another good way to help your blog get off the ground. Profit Parrot has helped hundreds of websites improve their SEO rankings and can help you make your dream business a reality!

Guest Posting Profit Parrot

Lark Begin is a digital marketer from Ottawa, Canada. Lark is an SEO Master, PPC expert and content writer. She helps many small businesses get ranked on Google each day.