It is a very common question to ask if you should have a blog on your website. A blog can do wonders for your website and web presence. If not used properly, a blog can actually add nothing significant to your web presence. Blogs need nurturing and maintenance, if you do not have time for a blog then forget about putting a blog page on your website. If you enjoy writing about your niche, related subject matter and helping people with your content then having a blog on your website is right for you. Here  some benefits to having a i need to have a blog

More Trafficdo i need to have a blog

The content that you use in your blog posts is searchable and can be seen on many different platforms online. If you are consistently posting quality content, each blog post that you create can be seen as an individual link on Google and other search engines. In order for this to happen quickly, you must be using the proper keywords. If you have done some thorough keyword research on what your target market and your clients are searching for online and have implemented those keywords into your titles, content and tags then your site content could show up in the search engines multiple times.

do i need to have a blog

Different Sources

Just creating a blog post is only the beginning. You must share each individual post on your social media. Some top sites to share your website blog posts are Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Google+. After posting your site to the top social media sites, then it is time to social bookmark your posts. The top social bookmarking sites are: StumbleUpon, Tumblr, Reddit and Digg. All of these social bookmarking links that you post will create another individual link that leads back to your website and will give your site more ‘link juice’… and you want link juice  ;P

do i need to have a blog

Authority Figure

If you are consistently posting quality content, you will start to grow a following. Your future clients will know where to get the information they are looking for and they will remember you because you are helpful and answer questions that they have been thinking  about. Over time you will start to gain the trust and loyalty of your target market. Once you gain trust, people will think about your products and services above someone else’s.

do i need to have a blog

Link Juice

google_64x64As mentioned briefly before, link juice is important for site rankings. The more links you have going out of your site and coming into your site the better your rankings will be. Google sees sites with inbound links and outbound links as authority sites and will give them better positioning in the search engines. When you blog, try to link to other sites that are related to your sites. Also ask for your readers to share your content or comment on your content. This will help your site be seen quicker in the search engines. (ahem, please share this post)

If you can think about what to write and blog about on a consistent basis then having a blog on your website is right for you. It will take time and effort but it is definitely worth it to have your site rank well on Google!
Profit Parrot Marketing and SEO Company

Address: 551 Osgoode Main Street Ottawa, #292, Ottawa, ON K0A 2W0
Phone: (613) 706-0057

Lark Begin is a digital marketer from Ottawa, Canada. Lark is an SEO Master, PPC expert and content writer. She helps many small businesses get ranked on Google each day.