SEO encompasses much more than rankings, as high rankings do not always increase revenue. You shouldn’t focus solely on rankings and ignore everything else. 

Organic traffic, search visibility, keyword rankings, conversion rate, and more are some of the significant SEO metrics that every analyst should monitor. By monitoring SEO performance that may affect the bottom line, you can work to improve and maintain it. Also, monitoring SEO data helps you determine if your investment is worth it.

Furthermore, specific indicators are exceptionally customer-focused and valuable in demonstrating your work outcomes to prospective clients who may wish to employ your services. But, with so many indicators accessible, which ones should you prioritize? 

In this blog, let us understand the 10 SEO metrics you should track and their importance. 

10 SEO Metrics You Should Know

Here are the ten most essential SEO metrics you need to track.

Organic Traffic

Organic traffic is one of the crucial SEO metrics that you need to consider. Monitoring it indicates that you have achieved your goal in SEO. Organic traffic also determines who visits and view your profile. 

By the use of Google Analytics, you can deterrmine the number of searches on your site. To do this: 

  • First, go to “Audience then click “Overview report.” 
  • Click the “Add Segment button” and then select “Organic Traffic” from the drop-down menu. 

Keyword rankings

The positions that a website achieves organically for particular keywords are known as its keyword rankings.

Some keyword rankings are more important to you than others. The greater the value of a high ranking for a term, the more closely it relates to your product or service.

By keeping tabs on where specific keywords fall over time, you can gauge how well your SEO strategy works for the terms that matter most to your business.

Search Visibility

Search engine rankings refer to how many people use your keywords to find your website. It’s an essential marketing metric that monitors how often people mention your company online and in conversation; think of it as the SEO equivalent of Share of Voice (SOV).

Market share and SOV are highly correlated. The more your SOV, the more of the total pie you’ll get. A better key performance indicator (KPI) than organic traffic increase is relative metrics.


Marketers and specialists in search engine optimization should constantly consider links’ importance. These days, backlinks are a major driving force in search engine results. It implies that link-building should form the backbone of your search engine optimization strategy.

The more connections you get, the better. Actually, no. Instead of helping your site’s authority, gaining low-quality links will hinder it.

Organic CTR

Click-through rates are an indicator that compares the number of visitors who view or click on the links to the total of people who just saw your link. In short, it means you have a lot of visitors if your CTR is high. 

Conversion rate optimization also makes use of CTR. If, for instance, the search snippets for your pages seem to need to be more reasonable, then even a high position won’t help you get more clicks. You have a poor CTR because of this. Search engines may damage your site’s ranking if your click-through rate (CTR) is low.

People often make a significant error when they neglect this KPI in favor of traffic and rankings. If you have a lot of impressions but need more CTR traffic, you can figure it out by tracking your organic click-through rates. 

Google Search Console can help you to track your click-through rates. 

Organic click-through rate

You need to know how many individuals who stumbled over your page went on to read it. A high proportion of users visiting your URL in the search engine results indicates that the information you provided was helpful to them.

Ranking and CTR correlate with one another. The average CTR is most significant in the top place and subsequently declines with rank. You’ll get various figures from various tools that drastically vary. This is due to the influence of various variables on the average click-through rate per rank, including the kind of industry, zero-click searches, SERP features, and search intent.

There are numerous data and an average range that you may use as a guideline. Compare your page’s ranking and CTR to the statistics given. If you get a much lower proportion of click-throughs, you should look into why.

Bounce rate

This indicator determines the percentage of people who visited your website but left without taking any action, often known as a “bounce.”

Another significant measure that is taken into account by search engines as a determinant in the ranking of websites is this one. An average bounce rate should be between 40 to 60%. However, this might vary widely depending on your sector. If the proportion is excessively high, it suggests that the website in question does not directly address the search terms being used.

Google Analytics can help you determine the overview report and which pages have a high bounce rate. You can also experiment with different strategies for lowering the rate. 

Crawled pages

If Google’s indexing bots can access your site quickly, you’ll have a better chance of increasing the search engine results pages (SERPs).

In Google Search Console, under Settings > Crawl metrics, you can view the number of pages Googlebot has crawled daily (for the past 90 days) for your website.

There may be a problem with your crawl budget if, despite having hundreds of pages, just a small subset of them are being crawled. It will stop if your server’s resources are overly taxed when Googlebot crawls your site.

Even though a higher crawl rate doesn’t always mean better results, it’s an excellent technical SEO measure to track and improve.


Backlinks are also one of the most crucial SEO ranking factors of Google. In a recent analysis, over 11 million Google search results found a correlation between the referring domains and search engine rankings.

All the links from other websites that lead to yours are counted as backlinks, whereas connections from specific domains are counted as referring domains.

Backlink quality is more important than quantity. Ten links from high-quality, authoritative sites are more valuable than 100 from low-quality or average domains. Furthermore, although every link you establish might benefit your SEO, connections from fresh referring sites are often more powerful than links from domains that have previously connected to you.

Indexed pages

It is one of the most underrated SEO metrics on the planet. The number of indexed pages indicates how many pages Google has cataloged from your site.

Indexed pages are one of the world’s overlooked SEO metrics. It is the number. 

There are two simple ways to determine how many indexed pages you have. To begin, you may do a Google search using the operator. You can infer how many pages Google has indexed from the total number of results.

Google Search Console’s Coverage report may provide a more accurate estimate. Keep in mind that this is important to figure out.

Make sure that the indexed pages are also aligned with the several pages you want to indexed. 

Final Thoughts

Understanding SEO KPIs is crucial in a world of ongoing algorithm updates and changing SEO trends. Knowing what data to look at and how to analyze it is essential for your business growth. One of our duties is to compile reports and evidence to back up the worth of our SEO work.

You have gained insight into the SEO indicators worth monitoring. However, you need to understand the “why” underlying each figure.

The following 10 metrics listed above should be tracked if you aren’t already. 

Lark Begin is a digital marketer from Ottawa, Canada. Lark is an SEO Master, PPC expert and content writer. She helps many small businesses get ranked on Google each day.