Ways to Grow Organic Traffic

Imagine drawing in a crowd without draining your marketing budget. Sounds too good to be true? Well, that’s the magic of organic traffic.

With the right SEO strategies, your startup can save big and unlock some tremendous growth.

But where do you start? Don’t sweat it. Below, we’ll dive into six tried-and-tested SEO best practices tailor-made for startups like yours.

1. Understand Your Audience’s Search Intent

Imagine you’ve built the world’s coziest coffee shop, but it’s in the middle of a desert. No matter how good your lattes are, it won’t matter if no one’s there to drink them, right?

The same goes for your online content. You’ve got to align it with what folks are actually typing into that search bar.

Data shows that a whopping 91.5% of users don’t scroll past the first page of search results. If you’re not showing up on page one, you’re missing out on a massive chunk of potential customers.

So, how do you claim that coveted spot?

  • Start with tools like Google Search Console or Semrush. These resources can help you uncover what your audience is searching for and how you can answer their questions best.
  • Teaming up with a great startup SEO agency can give you a head start. They’ve got the expertise to decode user behavior and match it with your offers.

2. Optimize for Mobile First

The mobile search scene is booming. In fact, almost 60% of global web traffic now comes from mobile devices.

Google noticed this trend, and they’re all-in on mobile. Their algorithms now prioritize mobile-friendly sites. So, if your startup’s site isn’t optimized for those on-the-go searches, you might be slipping through the cracks.

Here are a couple of things you can do:

  • Ensure your website looks and works great, regardless of the device. Whether it’s a smartphone, tablet, or desktop, your content should flow seamlessly.
  • Nobody likes waiting, especially in today’s fast-paced world. Use tools like Google PageSpeed Insights to see if your mobile site’s speed is up to par.

3. Embrace Long-Tail Keywords

Instead of generic terms like “shoes,” think “red leather shoes for women.” Long-tail keywords are highly specific, and that’s precisely what makes them so powerful.

These longer, more descriptive keywords might not rake in massive search volumes, but they do bring in a crowd that knows exactly what they want.

And here’s the kicker: they’re more likely to convert! Studies indicate that long-tail keywords have a higher conversion rate than their shorter counterparts.

So, how do you find these long-tail gems?

  • Use keyword research tools.
    Platforms like Ahrefs or Ubersuggest can offer insights into trending long-tail keywords in your industry.
  • Analyze competitors.
    Check out what long-tail keywords your competitors rank for. Your goal here is not to copy but to get inspired and find gaps they might’ve missed.
  • Engage with your audience.
    Listen to customer queries, feedback, and even social media conversations. Often, they’ll hand you these keywords on a silver platter.

4. Prioritize High-Quality Content Over Quantity

There’s an old myth floating around: the more content you produce, the better your SEO results. Let’s bust that myth right now.

It’s not about how much content you churn out but how epic each piece is. Quality is what will help you stand out and keep readers coming back for more.

Pages with lower bounce rates, longer dwell times, and higher user interactions are seen as valuable. And quality content is the driving force behind these metrics.

What defines “quality” in the world of content?

  • Relevance
    Ensure your content aligns with your audience’s needs and questions.
  • Depth
    Skimming the surface won’t do. Dive deep into topics to provide comprehensive insights.
  • Originality
    Bring fresh perspectives or unique takes on popular subjects. Repetition won’t win you any fans.
  • Visual Appeal
    Use images, infographics, and videos to make your content more engaging and easier to digest.

Remember, your audience is looking for answers, and if you can provide them in a captivating way, you’re golden.

5. Ensure Your Website Is in Top Shape

While quality content is the heart of SEO, a technically sound website is its backbone. What good is a top-notch performance car if it’s always breaking down? Similarly, even the most engaging content won’t make a dent if your website’s technical health is in the dumps.

Here’s what you need to focus on to get all of your ducks in a row in this department:

  • Page Load Speed
    If your site takes an eternity to load, visitors will bounce. Tools like GTmetrix can give you a peek into your site’s speed and areas for improvement.
  • Security and Accessibility
    Search engines favor sites with SSL certificates (those starting with HTTPS). Not only does this boost your SEO, but it also instills trust among visitors.
  • Zero Errors
    Broken links, 404 errors, or incorrect redirects can disrupt the user experience. Periodically check and fix these issues.

Partnering with a really good SaaS SEO agency can take the technical load off your shoulders. They’ve got the expertise to keep your website humming smoothly while you focus on what you do best.

6. Build Genuine Backlinks

Backlinks represent votes of confidence from other websites. When a reputable site links to yours, search engines see it as a thumbs-up, signaling that your content is valuable.

But here’s the catch: not all backlinks are created equal. One genuine link from a high-authority site can outweigh dozens from low-quality sources. So, it’s crucial to focus on quality over quantity.

Here’s how you can attract genuine backlinks:

  • Create shareable content.
    Whether it’s a detailed infographic, a captivating blog post, or a helpful video, when you produce content that resonates, people naturally want to share it.
  • Write guest posts.
    Offer to write for reputable sites in your niche. This positions you as an expert and gets your content (and backlinks) in front of a broader audience.

Pro tip: steer clear of shady tactics like buying links. They might offer a short-term boost, but in the long run, they can do more harm than good.

Final Thoughts

Navigating the bustling world of SEO might seem like a maze at times, but with the right tactics under your belt, you’ll be well on your way to organic traffic glory.

Keep in mind that SEO is a marathon, not a sprint. Every tweak, every piece of content, and every backlink is a step toward establishing your startup as an online authority.

Lark Begin is a digital marketer from Ottawa, Canada. Lark is an SEO Master, PPC expert and content writer. She helps many small businesses get ranked on Google each day.