If you’re trying to get your website ranked in the search engines, posting content via blog posts or new web pages is a great strategy to use. Posting a 400 word post here and there will not exactly get you ranked high in the search engines on its own. There are however, certain ways to optimize your blog posts and website content in order to get the full benefits from SEO techniques and making your site visible in the search engines.

3 tips for optimizing your blog posts

1) Use Keywords to Properly Optimize Your Blog

If you haven’t already done some proper keyword research, now is the time to do so. Before even choosing a domain, it’s extremely important that you’ve picked out some competitive long term and short term keywords to use for your website and blog content. Once you have your keywords, you need to make sure they are properly placed within your content to get the best visibility from the search engines.

Proper placement of your keywords includes: 

  • Once in the title
  • Once in the first sentence of your content
  • Once or twice more in your content naturally
  • Once in the keyword or tag section of your post

2) Optimize Your Blog Images

Images are another great way to optimize your blog content and get better rankings in the search engines. You will want to make sure your images have the proper alt tags listed with your keywords that are relevant to the content and image that you are posting. You can also link the image to another relevant post on your website. (internal links are great for SEO)

3) Optimize Your Blog Content

We’ve already mentioned the necessity of proper keyword research and keyword placement when your are posting content to your blog. Now we will need to discuss your overall blog content. In order to truly optimize your blog posts, you need to make sure that your content is relevant, fresh and unique. Google hates duplicate content so it’s important that you are coming up with ideas on your own, or through new research and putting it into your own words.

Try not to use more than 1 keyword for 1 post. If you’re stuffing your keywords, it won’t appear natural and the Google bots may pick up on this. You also want to make sure you are engaging your reader. Don’t just post fluff content to get some keywords on your blog. Make sure you are actually being helpful to others so they will be more likely to come back to your site to read your latest blog post!

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Address: 551 Osgoode Main Street Ottawa, #292, Ottawa, ON K0A 2W0
Phone: (613) 706-0057

Lark Begin is a digital marketer from Ottawa, Canada. Lark is an SEO Master, PPC expert and content writer. She helps many small businesses get ranked on Google each day.